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Showing posts from November 25, 2018


When you think about Thanksgiving what is the first thing that comes to mind? I think most people probably think food but likely say, family. There is nothing wrong with either answer or the reality that Thanksgiving is about food.  This year Thanksgiving is a little different for our family.  Six weeks ago I was put on 2 majorly difficult diets for health reasons. One of the diets cut out sugar, fruits, yeast, high carb foods and the second cut out... basically everything else, garlic, onion, AVOCADO (is there even life without avocado? I am here to tell you there is NOT!) a lot of veggies, etc. The first 3 weeks were so hard. I spent my days angry, frustrated, sad. I would buy things I thought I was allowed to have only to get home and find out I couldn't. I knew that cutting out foods, especially sugar would be hard physically and emotionally.  I LOVE SUGAR!   I went into it expecting it to be hard but hoping to break some bad habits in the e...