One of Jorge and I's biggest fights has always been cleaning. He is a clean FREAK and I am very laid back. Not to say that I'm messy or not clean but things that bother him don't even phase me. For example, I can clean the kitchen and when Jorge gets home I say, "look babe I cleaned the kitchen!" he says good job and tries to be excited but really I know he's not impressed. To him cleaning the kitchen means cleaning every little thing, he looks at the stainless steal and the microwave and stove.. etc. things that I don't even think about cleaning. The fingerprints on the dishwasher don't phase me, yet to him that means the kitchen is not actually clean. One thing that I was able to learn about Jorge about 4 years into our relationship was that his love language is Acts of Service. Ladies, knowing your mans love language is huge! Knowing this about him helped to know why he was so cranky when the house would be a mess even though I was trying to be nic...