Most of you know that this past weekend myself and 3 other awesome girls went to Phoenix to participate in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day 60 mile walk. We each had to raise at least $2300 to be able to walk. Together the 4 of us raised $12,114!!! All going straight to Breast Cancer Research. Let me just break down the weekend for you day by day because each day was so amazing and such a great experience. Day 1~ We woke up at 4:00am to get on the bus at 5:00am that took us to opening ceremonies. When we got to the park there were beautiful pink lit balloons, a big stage and free hot beverages! We went to the stage where they had us stretch first and then Janea the motivational speaker came out and talked to us about the walk and our journey from raising money to being at the walk. Survivors got on the center stage and had flags and raised another flag that had the names of survivors and of those that did not make it. We began our walk up a hill with lots of people cheering us on, they made ...