I grew up in the small town that I still live in. There are great things about this and there are not so great things about it. It can be hard becoming who you want to be in a place where people constantly remind you of who you were. You see someone who knew you when you were a horrible girlfriend, and you wonder if they are thinking to themselves," I bet she's an awful wife to that poor sweet guy." They don't know that you love your husband passionately and would never treat him the way you treated the boyfriends of the past. Or you see people who used to be such close friends, those friends that you NEVER thought would betray you, but they do, in unimaginable ways. They are the friends that know the bad things you did in your past that you wonder if they are thinking, "she hasn't actually changed, she's faking it, she will always be that 'mean girl' that she was." They cause you to question yourself, to be reminded of the past, the past tha...