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Showing posts from December 5, 2010

25 Fab People

I got a challenge from my friend Amber to list 25 random things about myself. But I just don't think I have that many things and I doubt people want to know them anyway.. I tell Kelly random stuff all of the time and she doesn't seem to appreciate it...SO I am going to list 25 Fabulous people in my life and tell why I love them instead! Fun right? The first few will be obvious.. but after that they are in no particular order. So if you are close to the bottom it doesn't mean I don't love you just as much as the first person. If you aren't on the list don't be sad either.. I DO love you! I just have a lot of family..:o) 1. Gabe~ Obviously he is my numero uno. I love him with all of my being! I love every single thing he does.. even when he is whining.. like right now. He is the sweetest little boy I know. He is the best cuddler and gives the best kisses. He says I Love you like nobody else can. He melts my heart. 2. Jorge~ I love this man more then anything. Th...